Jun 20, 2024
The United States Polo Association (USPA) began testing horses for prohibited medications in 2011. In 2018, the USPA Board of Governors approved an in-house testing program with all samples processed by an independent laboratory. At that time, the rules for equine medications were revised. Testing is now taking place year-round, and all clubs are subject to testing.
Who can be tested?
Any Event (USPA Event, Club Event or USPA-supported activity) can be selected for testing. Once an Event is selected, all participating players are subject to having their horses tested.
Who is responsible?
Both the Owner and Player of a tested horse are defined as Responsible Parties in the USPA Medications Rules. This means that even if you lease a horse, you could be held responsible for a positive test result.
How does testing work?
The USPA contracts licensed veterinarian(s) to take samples from horses being played in the Event selected. An hour prior to the game, a USPA Representative, the Sampling Veterinarian(s) and the technician(s) meet with the teams to explain the testing process and answer any questions.
At least one horse will be selected from each period of the game. A minimum of eight horses must be selected in a six-period game and a minimum of six horses must be selected in a four-period game. These horses are randomly selected based on the period they are playing in.
The USPA reserves the right to choose a specific horse or horses for testing, such as a lame or injured horse, in addition to the randomly selected horses. During the game, the technicians will identify the selected horses, take photos of them and prepare written descriptions. The groom is also informed that the selected horse will need to be brought to the specified testing location.
At the end of the game, all horses selected are required to come to the designated testing location to collect three vials of blood. Each vial will hold a maximum of 8.5 mL of blood, so a total of 25.5 mL will be collected. The blood volume of an adult horse is approximately 8% of its body weight. Therefore an approximately 1100-pound horse has 40L of blood. The tubes are then marked with a pre-printed barcode and sample number corresponding to the paperwork. The Owner, Player or a designated representative must accompany each horse and sign as a witness to the sample collection.
How long do results take?
Results typically take less than two weeks. Samples are sent to the laboratory as soon as possible after they are collected. Samples are packed in a locked cooler and shipped to the laboratory. Once received, they are unpacked and tested. If a positive test occurs, the laboratory alerts the USPA. The USPA then contacts the Owner or Player (or both), who is charged with an EMR violation.
What is a designated representative?
The person who brings the horse to the designated testing area will sign as the witness to the testing process. This person can be the player, owner, groom or any individual trusted by the Owner and/or Player to act as a witness.
Are some medications allowed?
Players should review the Equine Medications Rules in the USPA Rulebook to become familiar with the permitted and restricted medications lists. Permitted medications are allowed at any time. Restricted medications are only allowed up to a certain level, and there is a chart in the rules that provides the suggested latest administration time that the medication should be given prior to a game. If a test shows a restricted medication is present over the allowable blood level, it will be treated as a positive test.
Are some medications banned?
All medications that are not listed as permitted or restricted are prohibited. These types of medications include tranquilizers, anabolic steroids, corticosteroids without an approved medication report form, antihistamines, and respiratory drugs.
What is therapeutic medication use?
Certain situations allow for immediate medical attention within the 24-hour period before a game. These include minor injuries, colic, or other non-lameness-related conditions. If one of these situations occurs, a licensed veterinarian can submit the USPA Medication Report Form to alert the USPA that he or she has administered certain medications that may then be present in a tested sample and verify that the horse is still in a safe playing condition. The USPA medication report form is not a “free pass.” If a positive test occurs, it will be used to assess whether a violation has occurred.
What is the penalty for a positive test?
An alleged violation will be processed under the Equine Medications Rules (EMR) violation procedures, which include the possibility of a hearing and penalties that include probation, suspension and fines. The minimum penalties set forth below were approved by the USPA Executive Committee in its July 11, 2023, and will serve as guidelines for the EMR Hearing Committee, which adjudicates most violations. The Responsible Party may contest an alleged EMR violation.
What happens if someone refuses to be tested?
An Individual Member of the USPA or a USPA Member Club that refuses to participate in Equine Medications testing may be immediately expelled from the USPA by the USPA Executive Committee. Any such expulsion is subject to review by the Board of Governors.
Additional questions?
For further information regarding the Equine Medication Rules or the USPA testing program, please contact the USPA by phone: 800-232-8772, or by email: equinewelfare@uspolo.org.
Effective Date: Saturday, May 16, 2020
The suspension of USPA Tournaments and Events will be lifted for USPA Member Clubs in locales where hosting polo matches and tournaments is permitted under applicable state and local laws, executive orders and similar decrees. The USPA Member Clubs in these locales are encouraged to follow all such requirements of their state and local authorities with respect to polo operations. In addition, we also encourage all USPA Member Clubs to take the precautions recommended by the CDC. We are preparing a detailed list of best practices for USPA Member Clubs as they return to hosting USPA Tournaments and Events and plan to circulate these guidelines within the next week. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation closely and will notify you if we determine a different course of action is necessary.
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