Oct 23, 2018 3:44 PM

Team USPA after their first match in the Copa de Amigos tournament at Polo One. (L to R) Nico Escobar, Jesse Bray, Remy Muller, Julia Smith, Alfonso Pieres.
Team USPA after their first match in the Copa de Amigos tournament at Polo One. (L to R) Nico Escobar, Jesse Bray, Remy Muller, Julia Smith, Alfonso Pieres.

Jesse Bray (6), Nico Escobar (3)*, Remy Muller (3) and Julia Smith (A.5) traveled south in early October to the mecca of polo for a two-month training program created by Alfonso Pieres at the Don Urbano farm in Pilar, Argentina. Pieres played a significant role as a mentor for Team USPA co-chair Adam Snow during his ascent to 10 goals. “Alfonso was the first 10-goal player I ever got to play with,” said Snow, “and he sort of took me under his wing and gave me opportunities to play his second or third string in Argentina.” Pieres and Snow agree that playing consistent practices outside of the pressures of tournament polo allows for players to hone their skills on the field. While playing fast, open practices against other professionals in Argentina seems like a logical step for young players to take, the financial and organization hurdles can be difficult to overcome. Team USPA partnered with Pieres to create an entry point for these four players to break into the Argentine scene while focusing heavily on improving their individual play. Muller reflected on his experience thus far, “Honestly I wish I had done this 15 years ago, but it is better now than never. It’s a blast down here. I just want to play practice every day and go full speed. I wish I was around this all the time.”

Remy Muller carries the ball down field on chestnut mare Mana, during the first game of bracket play in the Copa de Amigos.
Remy Muller carries the ball down field on chestnut mare Mana, during the first game of bracket play in the Copa de Amigos.

As part of the program, each of the four players play six to eight chukkers several times per week against a myriad of professionals in the area. Being centrally located in Pilar allows for a total immersion in the vibrant polo community and culture.

Smith, the only female player participating in this unique opportunity, is exceptionally experienced playing in women’s and arena polo and is eager to continue improving in mixed polo. “The level of polo here is incredible - watching it and playing it. It is pretty remarkable. I definitely need this to get to the next point in my career. I am very grateful to be a part of this opportunity.”

Escobar, Bray and Muller came to Argentina off an exciting 16-goal season in Santa Barbara, California, ready to hit the field running and learn their new horses at Don Urbano. Each member is provided a string of horses to use throughout the training and Pieres entered the foursome in the Copa de Amigos 12- to 15-goal tournament hosted by Polo One. On Sunday, October 21 Team USPA played against La Mancha Dutta Corp (Timmy Dutta, Santi G. Romero, Gregorio Gelosi, Lucas Diaz Alberdi, 15) at their home field, Don Urbano. Though they fell short in the final two chukkers of play, the team felt it was a solid learning experience. Their next opponent will be determined later in the week once all of the teams in the bracket have completed their first matches.

With only two weeks under their belt at Don Urbano, the four players will continue to improve over the next six weeks as they become more accustomed to the Argentine style of play and each other as teammates. The organization provided by Pieres has created a strong foundation for the training program with hopes that it can continue to grow and provide opportunities for young American players.

*Due to previous playing commitments in Texas for the month of October, Geronimo Obregon (4) will take the place of Escobar for the month of November.

All photos courtesy of ©ClickPolo.