Jan 17, 2022
Under new Arena Rule 3.b(3), no player’s handicap may exceed the upper handicap limit of the event, unless the Host Tournament Committee communicates to the teams before the event begins that Alternative Rule 3b(3) will be used. In that case, a player’s handicap may exceed the upper handicap limit of the event provided that the team’s aggregate handicap does not exceed the upper handicap limit of the event.
Under new Arena Rule 3.a(8), no player shall play for more than one team in any event except that if a player is injured in a game and there are no eligible substitutes available an eliminated player may be substituted to complete that game and any subsequent game for that team only. An eliminated player is a player who has completed his or her final game in the Event and whose team has been eliminated from the Event. If a player with a known injury begins a game, that player may not use a player from another team as a substitute, should that player not be able to complete the game.
Under new Arena Rule 3.e, the penalty for violation of player eligibility, which is forfeiture, shall be exacted regardless of the player’s knowledge or intent. Unlike many other penalties which the Umpire(s) may elect not to exact, the penalty for violation of this rule must be exacted if a Referee, an Umpire, or a member of the Committee is notified of or otherwise becomes aware of the violation prior to 24 hours after the violation took place.
*Changes are designated with bold type*
Rule 3 - Players and Alternates
a. There shall be three players on each team, designated as No.1, No.2, and No.3. Each team may designate one or more alternate players.
(1) Each team shall designate one player as Captain who shall have the sole right to discuss with the Umpire procedural matters arising during the game.
(2) No player may participate in any USPA Event or Club Event in anything other than a proper uniform, including a protective helmet with a chin strap, which must be worn in the appropriate manner specified by the manufacturer of the helmet. No member of a team organization may mount a horse before, during or after a USPA Event anywhere inside or outside of the arena unless equipped with a protective helmet with a chin strap, which must be worn in the appropriate manner specified by the manufacturer of the helmet. Players are strongly encouraged to wear eye protection at all times during play. Eye protection is mandatory for all players under the age of eighteen. Effective May 1, 2021, the protective helmet required by this rule for players must be certified to meet the NOCSAE ND050 Standard Performance Specification for Newly Manufactured Polo Helmets. The protective helmet required by this rule for members of a team organization is not required to be certified to meet the NOCSAE ND050 Standard Performance Specification for Newly Manufactured Polo Helmets.
(3) A player shall not use sharp spurs nor any gear with protruding buckles or studs.
(4) In the event the colors of competing teams are similar, the Committee may designate which is to change its uniform for the game in question.
(5) Players shall wear boots or boots and half-chaps that cover their calves.
(6) In any USPA Event, players shall wear white pants or breeches.
(7) Any protective vest worn outside a player's jersey must be the same color as the jersey.
(8) No player shall play for more than one team in any event except that if a player is injured in a game and there are no eligible substitutes available an eliminated player may be substituted to complete that game and any subsequent game for that team only. An eliminated player is a player who has completed his or her final game in the Event and whose team has been eliminated from the Event. If a player with a known injury begins a game, that player may not use a player from another team as a substitute, should that player not be able to complete the game.
(9) A team shall present itself to play at the time scheduled by the Host Tournament Committee.
b. No player shall participate in any event unless the player's USPA registration fee has been paid and a handicap issued for the year in which the event takes place.
(1) A player registered with the USPA is eligible to play in any match, game or tournament event except that: a player with a handicap of -1 goal may not play above the 9 goal level. (Note: all references to handicaps in these Arena Rules and any applicable Tournament Conditions are to USPA Arena Handicaps, not USPA Women's Arena Handicaps.)
(2) No individual shall participate as a player or Official in any game if physically impaired (e.g., sick, hurt, intoxicated) before or during a game if such impairment endangers the safety of the individual or others.
(3) No player's handicap may exceed the upper handicap limit of the event.
c. Unlimited substitutions shall be permitted at the end of any period.
(1) In the event of an injury substitution during a period, the team may elect to make a double substitution, replacing the injured player and one other with eligible substitutes. (Rule 16.h)
(2) The substitute must be eligible to play in the game and the team's aggregate handicap after the substitution may not exceed the upper handicap limit specified for the event; however, the team's aggregate handicap may be below the lower aggregate handicap limit specified for the event.
(3) In all cases of substitution, the highest handicap in the arena at any given time in the game shall be counted for the entire game.
(4) In the event a player or players are removed from a game due to Penalty 7, both teams may substitute the remaining players in accordance with the conditions listed above, except that neither team's aggregate handicap in the arena, plus goals received by handicap, may exceed the higher handicapped team's handicap following the enactment of Penalty 7.
(5) After enactment of Penalty 7, if the teams are reduced to two players per team, the injured player may not re-enter the game at any time and the game shall be finished with two players per team.
d. In the event a single player is not allowed to begin the game due to non-compliance with these rules or is removed from the game due to inability to continue or by disqualification, and no qualified alternate is available or permitted, the team shall begin or continue to play, no change in handicap shall be made, and the team will remain qualified, provided that its team handicap remains within the handicap limits for the event.
e. The penalty for violation of player eligibility, which is forfeiture, shall be exacted regardless of the player's knowledge or intent. Unlike many other penalties which the Umpire(s) may elect not to exact, the penalty for violation of this rule must be exacted if a Referee, an Umpire, or a member of the Committee is notified of or otherwise becomes aware of the violation prior to 24 hours after the violation took place.
3. PLAYERS AND ALTERNATES…INTERPRETATION: Players may only be replaced during a period if a player is declared unable to continue. Double substitutions may be made as long as the players are individually eligible and the team remains eligible.
3. PLAYERS AND ALTERNATES…EXAMPLES: A player is delayed in arriving for a game. He calls ahead and authorizes his groom (an eligible player with a current handicap) to start in his place. The player arrives two minutes into the second chukker. The player may enter the game at the end of the period and complete the game.
Three minutes into the first chukker a player requests a time out when the ball is out of play. The player advises the Umpire that he is unable to continue. The Umpire must assume the player is injured or ill and permit up to 15 minutes for an alternate to enter the game. If the player quits without notifying the Umpire, play will resume and no time out allowed.
Team Red enters a 12 goal tournament with a 6-goaler, a 4-goaler, and 2-goaler. Team Blue has a 12 goal team that consists of a 5-goaler, a 4-goaler, and a 3-goaler. Team Red loses the 6 goal player to injury as a result of a foul by Blue Team and a Penalty 7 is awarded. As no alternate is available, the L&d Captain requests the removal of a player from the Blue Team. As there is no player whose handicap is nearest above that of the disabled player, the Red Captain chooses to remove the Blue #3, whose handicap is 5 goals. The game will be resumed with two on a side, leaving the Red's Team's aggregate handicap at 6 goals and Blue's handicap at 7 goals. Subsequent substitutions by either team may not exceed an aggregate team handicap of 7 goals.
A player who leaves the game due to exhaustion, and is replaced by a qualified alternate, recovers and wishes to return halfway through the fourth chukker. This substitution may not take place until the end of the chukker because the player being replaced is able to continue.
Team Blue enters a tournament with an 8 goal team. Early in their first game, Blue #4, a 5-goaler, is injured and replaced by a 4-goaler. Team Blue, even though now 7 goals, must play as 8 for the balance of the game.
Team Red, a 12 goal team, loses an 8-goaler to injury. As no 8 goal alternate is available, the Red Captain orders the 2 goal Red #1 to leave the game and wishes to substitute two 5 goal players. The team handicap remains 12 goals. The double substitution is permitted.
Team Red, an 8 goal team, loses their -1 goal rated player to injury. No alternate is available. Team Red may continue the game with 2 players even though their on-the-field handicap is now 9 goals. There is no handicap goal awarded to the Blue Team.
Team Red enters an 8 goal tournament with a 7 goal team. Late in the game, Red's 4-goaler is injured and the only available alternate is a 5-goaler. Red can make the substitution, but will have to adjust the score, as they are now an 8 goal team.
Team Blue, in a 6-9 goal tournament, loses its 5 goal player to injury. The only player available, who is not already on a team in the tournament, is a 1 goal player. The team is allowed the substitution, even though below the lower limit.
3. PLAYERS AND ALTERNATES a(2)..INTERPRETATIONS: The protective helmetthat is required beginning on May 1, 2021 by Rule 4a for players in USPA Events and Club Events (i.e., a helmet certified to meet the NOCSAE ND050 Standard Performance Specification for Newly Manufactured Polo Helmets) is recommended, but not required, for players and team organization members in all other mounted polo activities.
Any player found by the Umpire(s) to be in violation of Rule 3.a shall be removed immediately from the game by the Umpire(s). Play shall be resumed with a delay of game penalty on the removed player's team, the severity of which shall be determined by the Umpire(s) in his, her, or their discretion. The removed player may return to the game when he or she is in compliance with Rule 3.a, or a substitution may be made if the substitute is in compliance with the rule. All substitution rules shall apply.
If, within 24 hours after a game, the Umpire(s), a Referee, or the Host Tournament Committee is presented with conclusive physical evidence (including, but not limited to, photographic or video evidence) that a player has violated Rule 3.a during the game, and the violation was not detected during the game, the penalty is forfeiture. Unlike many other penalties which the Umpire(s) may elect not to exact, this penalty must be exacted.
The provision of Rule 3.a applying to "member[s] of a team organization" will be strictly enforced in all USPA Events. The first violation will result in a penalty being given to the team or teams violating the provision. Any subsequent violation will result in a penalty being given to the team violating the provision and a yellow card being given to the player who is playing the mount ridden by the team organization member responsible for that violation. If that player cannot be immediately identified, a yellow card will be given to that team's Captain.
(Are the election of the Host Tournament Committee, to be communicated to the teams before the Event begins, this Alternative Rule may be used instead of Arena Rule 3b(3).)
(3) A player's handicap may exceed the upper handicap limit of the event provided that the team's aggregate handicap does not exceed the upper handicap limit of the event.
Effective Date: Saturday, May 16, 2020
The suspension of USPA Tournaments and Events will be lifted for USPA Member Clubs in locales where hosting polo matches and tournaments is permitted under applicable state and local laws, executive orders and similar decrees. The USPA Member Clubs in these locales are encouraged to follow all such requirements of their state and local authorities with respect to polo operations. In addition, we also encourage all USPA Member Clubs to take the precautions recommended by the CDC. We are preparing a detailed list of best practices for USPA Member Clubs as they return to hosting USPA Tournaments and Events and plan to circulate these guidelines within the next week. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation closely and will notify you if we determine a different course of action is necessary.
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