Jul 09, 2019
*Changes are designated with bold type*
a. With the exception of a Penalty 2 taken from the spot (see Rule 37), Penalties 2 (30 yards), 3 (40 yards), 4 (60 yards) and 6 (safety) shall be taken in one stroke in an attempt to score. Consequently, the player taking the penalty may not make a preparatory dribble, for themselves or a team member. The ball shall be considered in play the moment it has been either hit or hit at and missed. The attempt to hit a ball is considered a hit ball, the action of a swing puts the ball into play. The player shall hit the ball, or hit at it, in the first attempt; the striker is not allowed to go past the ball without hitting or hitting at it, or circle his mount again rather than hit during the approach, nor take excessively long time in preparation to hit. Violation of this rule shall be sanctioned with a Penalty 5.a.
b. For Penalties 2 (30 yards), 3 (40 yards), 4 (60 yards), 5.a, 5.b, and 6 (safety), if the fouling team fails to carry out the proper procedure and no goal is scored, the team fouled shall be awarded another free hit at the ball from the same point under the same conditions.
c. For Penalties 2 (30 yards) and 3 (40 yards): For Penalty 2s taken from the center and for Penalty 3s, when the Host Tournament Committee has determined or the Tournament Conditions state that the penalty 3 may not be defended, if the ball stops before the end of the field the Umpires shall blow the whistle and the defending team will be awarded a Penalty 5.a from the spot where the ball stopped.
d. For Penalties 4 (60 yards) and 6 (safety): If the ball is missed or mis-hit in a legitimate attempt to score in one hit, the hitter and/or other players from either team may attempt a safe play on the ball and all rules of Right of Way are in effect. If, in the umpire’s opinion, the initial attempt to hit the ball was deliberately missed, mis-hit, tapped or dribbled to improve the hitting team’s chance of scoring, a spot hit (5.a) will be awarded to the defending team.
e. For Penalties 2, 3, 4, 5.a, 5.b and 6,
If a member of the fouling team is off the field at the time the ball is hit or hit at, he may enter the field opposite the side his team is defending but may not make a play until he passes a player of his own team who was properly positioned at the time the ball was hit or hit at. A violation of this procedure will result in an increased penalty against the fouling team. If all four players on the same team are off the field further from the goal his team is defending than the spot where the ball is hit or hit at, no player on that team may make a play until play is interrupted and resumed. If any such player makes a play, a Penalty 2 shall be awarded to the other team.
f. Procedural Violations
(1) If the fouling team fails to follow or violates procedure when a Penalty 2, 3,
4, 5.a, 5.b, or 6 is taken, an increased penalty shall be awarded to the team fouled when possible, except if a goal has been scored or awarded. In the case of a Penalty 2, the Umpire(s) may either award another Penalty 2 or they may, in their discretion, award a Penalty 1 if they deem it appropriate given the nature of the procedural violation.
(2) Fouled Team Failure to Execute Proper Procedures for Penalty 2 or 3:
If the team fouled fails to carry out a Penalty 2 or 3 correctly, the opposing team shall be awarded a Penalty 5.a from the spot where the penalty was being taken.
(3) When both teams simultaneously fail to follow or violate procedure for Penalties 2, 3, 4, 5.a, 5.b, or 6, another free hit shall be awarded to the team fouled from the same spot under the same conditions as before.
(4) Players may not in any way alter the surface of the playing field to tee up the ball. Players may not dismount to tee up the ball. Once an Umpire calls “Play”, a ball may not be re-teed. In the event a player alters the surface of the field or dismounts to tee a ball, the Umpire shall blow the whistle and award a penalty. (5) Once the ball is placed to take a penalty and the Umpire calls “Play”, it may not be re-teed, and the player shall hit the ball as it is.
(6) For all penalty shots, one Umpire will line up 60 yards behind the ball. For his approach, the hitter must circle between that Umpire and the ball. Failure by the hitter to properly execute this procedure will result in the opposing team being awarded a Penalty 5.a from the spot where the penalty would have been taken.
36. PENALTY PROCEDURES AND VIOLATIONS d...INTERPRETATION:This call is left up to the discretion of the Umpire(s). Any attempt to deliberately miss the ball to leave it for a teammate, mis-hit, tap or dribble a ball in order to improve the fouled team’s chances of scoring shall be considered a foul.
EXAMPLE: On a Penalty 4, Blue #3 mis-hits the ball in what the Umpires judge is a legitimate attempt to score in one hit. The ball crosses the 15-yard line and Blue #3 follows it toward the goal at a gallop. Reaching the ball, Blue #3 hits a hard offside shot to drive the ball through the pack of players clustered in the goal-mouth. Foul on Blue #3 and possible yellow flag – lack of consideration for safety.
Effective Date: Saturday, May 16, 2020
The suspension of USPA Tournaments and Events will be lifted for USPA Member Clubs in locales where hosting polo matches and tournaments is permitted under applicable state and local laws, executive orders and similar decrees. The USPA Member Clubs in these locales are encouraged to follow all such requirements of their state and local authorities with respect to polo operations. In addition, we also encourage all USPA Member Clubs to take the precautions recommended by the CDC. We are preparing a detailed list of best practices for USPA Member Clubs as they return to hosting USPA Tournaments and Events and plan to circulate these guidelines within the next week. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation closely and will notify you if we determine a different course of action is necessary.
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