May 20, 2019

GAUNTLET OF POLO™ Champion Facundo Pieres during 2019 CaptiveOne U.S. Open Polo Championship play. ©David Lominska
GAUNTLET OF POLO™ Champion Facundo Pieres during 2019 CaptiveOne U.S. Open Polo Championship play. ©David Lominska

*Changes are designated with bold type*

a. After the ball goes across a team’s end line (other than from a Safety as provided in Rule 21.a, the team whose end line is crossed shall hit the ball in, or hit at it, from a point on the field which is within one foot of the point where the ball crossed the end line, except as provided in subsection e.(3) below. Should this point be closer than 5 yards to a side board or goal post, the ball shall be hit, or hit at, from a point on the field which is within one foot of the end line and which is 5 yards from that side board or goal post (but not between the goal posts). Each team shall be given a reasonable time to position itself for the resumption of play, and no member of the team defending against the hit-in shall be closer than 30 yards to the end line when the Umpire calls “Play” and the ball is hit or hit at. Players are expected to position themselves at a slow canter.

If play is stopped because a member of the defending team is closer than 30 yards to the end line after the Umpire calls “Play” and the ball is hit or hit at, the Umpire shall move the ball straight ahead (perpendicular to end line) 30 yards. Play shall then be resumed as before with no member of the defending team closer than 60 yards to the end line.

If a member of the defending team is off the field when the Umpire calls “Play” and the ball is hit or hit at, he or she may enter the field behind the hitter but may not make a play until he or she passes a teammate who was properly positioned when the ball was hit or hit at. A violation of this procedure will result in a penalty against the defending team. If all four players on the defending team are off the field when the Umpire calls “Play,” and the ball is hit or hit at they may each enter the field behind the hitter but no player on the team may make a play until play is interrupted and resumed. If any such player makes a play, a Penalty 2 shall be awarded to the other team.

b. After a Safety or a foul is called and confirmed and a foul shot is awarded, play shall be resumed by the taking of the foul shot. The player hitting the foul shot may approach the ball only once. If the player passes the ball, the whistle shall sound and the opposing team shall be awarded a Penalty 5.a from the spot where the penalty was being taken.

c. In the event a goal is scored at approximately the same time play is stopped by the Umpire’s whistle:
(1) A penalty may be awarded or the field goal counted if a foul is confirmed against the defending team. The Umpire(s) shall be charged with determining whether or not a Penalty 1 is called for in each instance. Should they elect to do so, the field goal will not count; however, all normal procedures for carrying out the Penalty 1 will be followed. Should they elect not to call a Penalty 1, then they shall count the field goal and resume play at center field with a throw-in.
(2) The goal shall be counted, and play resumed at centerfield, if no foul is awarded.
(3) The goal shall not be counted, and the appropriate penalty awarded, if a foul is confirmed against the attacking team.

d. After the Umpire stops the game because the ball breaks when first hit on a foul shot or on a hit-in, play shall be resumed with another ball from the same point in the same manner. Otherwise play shall be resumed with a new ball as provided in the subsection e. (4) below.

e. In all other cases, the Umpire shall put the ball into play by throwing it in, in the same manner as provided in Rule 20 except as provided below after allowing the players reasonable time in which to line up.
(1) After a goal has been scored, except for goals awarded by handiciap or Penalty 1, the Umpire shall throw the ball in with the ends changed.
(2) After the ball is hit across the side boards or side line and no foul is awarded (seeRule 12.b):
i.) If the ball is hit across the side boards or side line either directly or off the hitter’s horse or a teammate or teammate’s horse, or after glancing off the side boards, a free hit will be awarded to the team that did not hit the ball out.
ii.) If the ball is hit across the side boards or side line after glancing off a member of the opposing team or his horse, a free hit will be awarded to the team that last hit the ball. iii.) If the ball goes out of play between the two 60-yard lines, the free hit will be taken from where the ball went out of play.
iv.) If the ball goes out of play on or inside the 60-yard line and the free hit is awarded to the defending team, the free hit will be taken where the ball went out of play.
v.) If the ball goes out of play on or inside the 60-yard line and the free hit is awarded to the attacking team, the free hit will be taken from the 60-yard line.
vi.) If the ball goes out of play over the side boards or side line after glancing off an Umpire or his horse, or if the Umpire is unable to determine what caused the ball to go out of play, play shall resume with a throw-in from the side boards or side line parallel to the point where the ball went out of play. vii.)In each of the situations described in (i) through (iv) above, the Umpire shall count 8 seconds and drop a ball 5 yards inside the side boards or side line, and a member of the team awarded possession shall have 5 seconds to play the ball, either by tapping or hitting away. The same is true in the situation described in (v) above, except that the Umpire shall count 8 seconds and drop a ball 10 yards inside the side boards or side line, anda member of the team awarded possession must play the ball by hitting to goal or to a teammate, but not by tapping. In all of the above situations, the same procedures concerning player positioning and delays shall apply as those that apply to a Penalty 5.a.
(3) If the team hitting in does not hit, or hit at, the ball in a reasonable time after “Play” or if the ball is hit, or hit at, before the Umpire calls “Play”, the Umpire shall blow the whistle to stop the clock and then shall throw in the ball at a right angle to the end line from the point the ball had been placed for the hit-in. For such a throw-in, the team which delayed play shall be on the side nearer the goal. What is a reasonable time for the ball to be hit or hit at after the Umpire calls “Play” is within the discretion of the Umpire(s).
(4) After the Umpire stops the game while the ball is on the playing field, play shall resume by a throw-in from the point where the ball was considered dead toward the nearer side boards or side lines. In the event this point does not allow sufficient room for the teams to line up on the field, the Umpire shall throw the ball in, in the same manner, from the nearest point that allows it.

f. After the Umpire stops the game because the period ended, play shall be resumed at the beginning of the next period in the same manner as if play was being resumed in the period which ended except that the team which lost the draw at the beginning of the game may elect, when the game continues after the half time interval, which goal to defend. In the event that goals are changed under this rule, the ball shall be put back into play in the same relative part of the field. When Umpires fail to hear the horn due to the weather or wind conditions, the Referee or the Timekeeper shall immediately advise the Umpire where and when the game should have stopped.

g. A suspended game shall be resumed at the point at which it was suspended as to score, period, and position of the ball at the earliest convenient time, to be decided by the Host Tournament Committee. If a suspended game is determined to have no conceivable effect on the outcome of the event, the game may be abandoned by a decision of the Host Tournament Committee.

The Umpire’s responsibility is to give all players a reasonable time to position themselves and not to give an advantage to a team attempting to manipulate the clock. Generally, 3-5 seconds from the time the ball is ready for play is sufficient. The ball is ready for play on a knock-in when the goal judge moves aside. The Umpire positioned behind the hitter is responsible for calling “Play”. The second Umpire is responsible for watching the positioning of players other than the hitter. Once the Umpire behind the hitter determines reasonable time has been given, he is to call “Play”. If the second Umpire feels more time must be allowed for a particular player, he may stop play by sounding the whistle. The two Umpires, quickly consulting with the Referee, if necessary, may: a) resume the knock-in by calling “Play”; or, b) penalize the offending player for delay of game by moving the ball forward to the 30-yard line.

Red #1 hits wide of goal after a fast run and circles deep in the end zone. Red #1 is just crossing the end line on his return when “Play” is called. If the second Umpire feels reasonable time has not been given, the whistle should sound, play should be stopped and Red #1 permitted to line up. Additional time is reasonable considering the prior play. Neither team is advantaged with the clock stopped.

Red #1, his team ahead by two goals late in the game, hits wide, checks his mount, and slowly circles to return to the 30-yard line. The ball is placed, “Play” called, and Blue #3 knocks in. If Red is clearly out of the play, no call should be made. If Red is involved with the play in any way, play and the clock should be stopped and a Penalty 5.b awarded to Blue. Red is taking unnecessary time to line up and Blue is being disadvantaged by permitting the clock to run.

Red #1 hits wide and circles slowly as his teammate changes mounts. The ball is placed and Blue #3 is ready to knock-in while Red #1 is still circling and the teammate is off the field. The knock-in should proceed with Red #1 out of the play. If Red is advantaged, or Blue distracted, by Red being positioned incorrectly, play should be stopped and a Penalty 5.b awarded to Blue.

White #4 rides to knock-in, swings and misses. The trailing Umpire notices the ball behind the end line (off the field) and blows his whistle to stop play. The Umpire allows White #4 a re-hit because this is a procedural error on the part of the officials.

22. HOW PLAY IS RESUMED b... INTERPRETATIONS:The objective of this rule is to get the ball in play promptly once all players have an opportunity to be safely positioned. The hitter is allowed only one approach to the foul shot and may not hit or hit at the ball before the Umpire calls “Play”. The hitter of the foul shot is considered to be approaching the ball when advancing forward toward the ball. Should the hitter hit at and miss the ball, it is blown dead on Penalties 2 or 3 and considered a live ball on Penalties 4, 5, and 6 or a knock-in.

EXAMPLES: Blue #2, takes a Penalty 2. The hit is short and Blue’s horse kicks the ball through the goal. The kick is considered a second “hit” at the ball and a free hit awarded to the other team. A ball hit into the horse’s foot is not considered a kick or second hit at the ball and would count if a goal is scored on the rebound.

A Penalty 2 is awarded to the Red Team. As Red #1 approaches, his horse runs over the top of the ball kicking it several yards towards the goal. Red has had his one approach. The Umpires shall stop play and award a Penalty 5.a to the other team.

The Red Team is awarded a Penalty 6. Red #3 approaches the ball and his horse kicks the ball forward 3 to 5 yards. The Umpires shall stop play and award a Penalty 5.a to the other team.

Blue #3 circles on his approach to a Penalty 4. As he nears the ball, his mount switches leads and he passes the ball to approach again. Not permitted. As soon as he passes the ball, the Umpires shall stop play and award a Penalty 5.a to the other team.

Following a Blue safety, Red #3 changes mounts quickly and prepares to hit the 60- yard shot. His mount has not settled and Red #3 asks the Umpire’s permission to circle again. Permission should not be granted.

As Blue #3 rides to hit a Penalty No. 5 he notices that the ball lies in a divot. He asks the Umpire to reposition the ball. This is a reasonable request. The Umpire should have noticed the divot when first spotting the ball.

A Penalty is awarded to the Blue Team. Blue #3 hits the ball before the Umpire calls “Play.” Foul on Blue. There is no excuse for hitting the ball before “Play” is announced and when the clock is stopped and the ball out of play.

22. HOW PLAY IS RESUMED e. (2)v & vii...INTERPRETATION: The player taking the free hit from the 60-yard line is deemed to be hitting to a teammate if the ball travels at least 30 yards. The player taking the free hit from the 60-yard line may not play the ball again until it has been played by another player on either team. If the ball does not travel at least 30 yards: (i) no member of the hitting team may make a play on the ball or a defending player who is attempting to make a play on the ball, and (ii) a defending player may play the ball from any direction or angle providing he or she does so without creating danger or a risk of danger to himself, herself, other players or horses. A violation of these procedures by either team will result in an appropriate penalty.

22. HOW PLAY IS RESUMED e. (3)...INTERPRETATION:The objective is to get the ball in play promptly once all players have an opportunity to be safely positioned. The hitter must hit on the first pass, but may not hit before “Play” is called. The Umpire should allow players sufficient time to properly position themselves, and should penalize any player, offensive or defensive, who is trying to manage the clock.

Red hits the ball over the backline and Blue lines up quickly for the knock- in. As soon as the flagger is out of the way, Blue #3 knocks in before the call of “Play.” The whistle should sound and the ball be thrown in perpendicular to the back line.

Red is ahead late in the game and Red #3 rides deep into the end zone before slowly turning to knock-in. As Red #3 nears the ball, he circles again. The whistle should sound for a throw-in. The second approach is not permitted.

Blue #2 hits wide of goal and rides to change mounts. Blue #1 sees Blue #2 off the field, and rides very slowly from the back line toward the 30-yard line. The ball is positioned, and the Umpire is ready to call play. The whistle should sound and delay of game called on Blue #1.

A Penalty 4 is awarded to Blue. The Umpire drops the ball for the penalty hit. Blue’s teammate tees the ball moves out of the way and the Umpire calls “Play.” As Blue #3 approaches the ball, his mount is skittish and will not take the correct lead. Blue asks the Umpire for a second approach. This is not permitted.

The Red team has been trying to slow the game down from the early stages. After several reminders to move things along, Red #3 slowly tees the ball and begins a very long, slow circle to the ball. The Umpire should sound the whistle and award a Penalty 5.a to the other team.

Red is awarded a Penalty 3. As Red #3 positions the ball, he is joined by a teammate and they move the ball around for some time looking for the right tee and discussing the coming play. The Umpire should sound the whistle after 15-20 seconds and award a Penalty 5.a to the other team.