May 07, 2019
*Changes are designated with bold type*
a. The horn shall be sounded two minutes before each period (also referred to as a “chukker”) as a warning of its commencement, and two horns shall sound at the time each period is to commence.
b. In each period of the game, at the end of 7 minutes of elapsed time, a single horn or bell will sound to indicate that up to 30 seconds of overtime remain in the period. At the end of the overtime portion of the period, a horn or bell will sound twice to terminate the period.
(1) Except for the final period of regulation play, each period will terminate following the 7- minute horn or bell, when the ball goes out of play, a goal is scored, or the Umpire(s) whistle sounds. When played on a boarded field, play will not stop when the ball hits the boards and remains on the playing field. If a foul is called after the 7-minute horn or bell sounds, the Umpire’s whistle ends the period and the foul shall be awarded at the beginning of the next period.
(2) In the final regulation period, play will continue until the second horn or bell, or until a goal is scored, unless that goal ties the score, in which case play will continue until the second horn or bell, or until another goal is scored. If play is stopped by the Umpires after the 7-minute horn or bell for any reason, the penalty, throw-in or free hit, as the case maybe, shall be executed. If play is stopped by the Umpire’s whistle after the 7-minute horn or bell for any reason, a minimum of 5 seconds shall be allowed for execution of any penalty, free hit or throw-in, as the case may be.
c. Should the score be tied at the end of the final regulation period, the game shall be resumed in overtime periods with intervals between periods as provided in Rule 16, until one side obtains a goal which shall determine the game. A minimum of 5 seconds shall be allowed for execution of any penalty, free hit or throw-in, as the case may be.
d. At the discretion of the Committee, in the event of a tie at the end of the last regular period, or any overtime period, the game may be concluded by a “shoot out” procedure, after a 4-minute interval, conducted as follows:
(1)The Umpire(s) will determine which goal to use. One Umpire will set up each ball, the other Umpire to serve as a goal judge.
(2) Each player, in turn, and alternating teams will attempt a free hit from the 40-yard line at an undefended goal. All players not hitting to be behind, and not closer than 10 yards from, the ball.
(3) The team to hit first shall be decided by lot.
(4) Each shootout goal to score 1 point. After all players have hit, the team with more points will be declared the game winner by one goal.
(5) Should a tie remain after all players have hit, all players will hit again, the team which hits first, now hitting last, until a winner is produced.
e. All periods shall terminate at the first sound of the final horn, wherever the ball may be. To avoid any mistake about whether the horn has actually sounded or not, or whether such sounding may have been inadvertent or untimely, players should continue to play until they hear the Umpire’s whistle.
14. DURATION OF PERIODS b...INTERPRETATION: Subject to Rule 14.b(2), as long as the ball remains in play, the overtime portion of a period will continue until the time expires and the second horn sounds. In all periods but the final regulation period, a ball hit through the goal or over the backline or sidelines after the 7-minute horn is considered out of play and ends the period. If a foul is called, that also ends the period. Play stopped for any other reason after the 7-minute horn will resume in the appropriate manner. “Execution of the penalty” shall include the free hit on a Penalty 2 or 3 when the ball hit by the fouled team does not clear the playing field.
EXAMPLES: After the 7-minute horn, Blue #3 scores and is simultaneously fouled by Red #2. Penalty No. 1 is awarded. The period does not end because of the goal because the goal is “awarded” and not “scored.” The penalty ends the period, however, in any regulation period but the final regulation period. In the final regulation period, the game shall be resumed with a Penalty 5.b awarded to the fouled team and a change in direction with a minimum of 5 seconds on the clock. In any other regulation period, the next period shall begin with a Penalty 5.b awarded to the fouled team and a change in direction.
In the closing seconds of the period, Red hits a long ball to goal. The Timer sounds her horn but the can is empty. Several seconds are lost until the can is changed and the horn sounded during which time Red scores the goal. The Timer should advise the Umpire that the period was “intended to end” well before the goal scored. The goal does not count and play is resumed at the point where the horn was intended to sound.
The 7-minute horn sounds when the ball is in the Umpire’s hand for a throw-in. In every regulation period but the final regulation period, the period ends as the ball is out of play.
Effective Date: Saturday, May 16, 2020
The suspension of USPA Tournaments and Events will be lifted for USPA Member Clubs in locales where hosting polo matches and tournaments is permitted under applicable state and local laws, executive orders and similar decrees. The USPA Member Clubs in these locales are encouraged to follow all such requirements of their state and local authorities with respect to polo operations. In addition, we also encourage all USPA Member Clubs to take the precautions recommended by the CDC. We are preparing a detailed list of best practices for USPA Member Clubs as they return to hosting USPA Tournaments and Events and plan to circulate these guidelines within the next week. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation closely and will notify you if we determine a different course of action is necessary.
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