Feb 18, 2025
In coordination with the launch of the new USPA Member Portal, please see below for instructions on how to utilize the tournament database for all USPA national, sanctioned and circuit events and to be featured in the USPA's newsletter This Week In Polo.
USPA Member Clubs can submit tournament applications for national, sanctioned and circuit events through the new USPA Member Portal. During the application process, submitting additional information for the Tournament Support Program (TSP) is available to access the benefits associated with that program. The tournament application process is outlined below:
Step One: Log into your USPA member portal at the following web address: members.uspolo.org.
Step Two: Once inside the member portal click on the menu “Tourn. Data” and go to the sub menu “Tournament Application”. Only Club Delegates or their designee have access to apply for tournaments or enter rosters and results through the tournament database. Club Delegates may request access for a designee by emailing Kaila Dowd at kdowd@uspolo.org.
Step Three: Enter the tournament information associated with the tournament you are applying for. All information is required.
Step Four: Input additional tournament information including whether the tournament intends to use USPA Professional Umpires, along with providing the contact information for the designated Tournament Representative and Equine Welfare Representative.
Step Five: Input your host tournament committee members (minimum of 3 required) and selected any optional tournament conditions that may be utilized during the tournament. Please note that selecting an optional tournament condition may impact rostering rules and criteria.
Step Six: Provide a club delegate or tournament contact signature to complete the application and proceed to the payment page.
Step Seven: Complete your payment to finish the tournament application process. If TSP was selected in Step Three, a $500 deposit is required for the tournament application. This deposit will be refunded if all requirements are met as part of the TSP Guidelines (Click Here for TSP Guidelines).
For any questions associated with the Tournament Application process, please contact Tournament Manager Kaila Dowd at kdowd@uspolo.org or Tournament Administrator Jesse Baker at jbaker@uspolo.org.
USPA Member Clubs are required to submit Circuit, Sanctioned, and National tournament results in the USPA tournament database, accessible via the Member Portal. Clubs are encouraged to enter results immediately following the completion of any USPA tournament. TSP benefits, including prize money and the free umpire(s) will not be awarded until results are entered and verified.
To be included in the “Trophy Stage” section of the USPA’s weekly newsletter, This Week In Polo, results must be entered within two weeks of the conclusion of the tournament. The tournament database is accessible to all USPA Club Delegates or designated club representative, who are responsible for entering team rosters and player information, game scores, winning teams and any special awards or designations. The submission process is outlined below.
Step One: Log into your USPA member portal at the following web address: members.uspolo.org.
Step Two: Once inside the member portal click on the menu “Tourn. Data” and go to the sub menu “Rosters/Results”.
Step Three: You will see a list of tournaments you have access to below as a club delegate or tournament contact. You can filter the results further at the top of the page. Select “Roster” or “Results” on the tournament entry you want to submit information for.
Step Four: If you have not already done so, press Roster and enter your teams and rosters. Press “Add Team” to create a new team and search and add team members within each team. The first four players (three players for arena tournaments) are your rostered players and any additional players will be marked as substitutes.
Step Five: After adding all teams and players, press “Save Teams” to save your entries. Saving will also validate all teams to ensure they meet the rostering requirements. Green indicates eligible players and teams and red indicates any ineligible players or teams. To qualify for any tournament program or initiatives, including Tournament Support Program (TSP), Bridge to High Goal (B2HG), Prize Money Matching Program (PMMP) and all incentive programs, all teams and players must be eligible to participate.
Step Six: After the tournament is completed or after games have been played return to this page and press “Results” to enter game results.
Step Seven: Enter all game results by entering the required information and pressing “Add Game”. This will enter your game result into the table below. When completed, press “Final Results”.
Step Eight: Enter the results for the final game including Winning Team, final game, Most Valuable Player (MVP), Best Playing Pony (BPP) (enter owner and player names separately) and any additional awards including Sportsmanship and Horsemanship (as applicable).
Upload a photo of the winning team by clicking “+ Choose”. Please provide the highest resolution photo possible. The maximum file size that can be uploaded is 100mb. Once you have selected and uploaded an image, enter the players’ names from left to right as they appear. Anyone included in the photo but not a member of the winning team must also be documented in the caption underneath the file upload. Every person shown in the uploaded image must be named! Once all information has been accurately added click “Save” to submit your results.
Congratulations, you have now submitted your tournament results. For questions regarding tournament details, please contact USPA Tournament Manager Kaila Dowd at kdowd@uspolo.org.
If you would like to have your club featured on the USPA’s social media channels, professional photography/videography imagery from your club’s event can be sent to USPA Communications Manager Cristina Fernandez at cfernandez@uspolo.org for consideration. Entering your club’s tournament results within two weeks of conclusion of play does not guarantee that the results will be featured in the This Week In Polo newsletter right away. If you have submitted all tournament results information and have not seen your club’s results included in the trophy stage section of the newsletter within four weeks of uploading, please reach out to USPA Communications Coordinator Grace Grotnik at ggrotnik@uspolo.org.
Effective Date: Saturday, May 16, 2020
The suspension of USPA Tournaments and Events will be lifted for USPA Member Clubs in locales where hosting polo matches and tournaments is permitted under applicable state and local laws, executive orders and similar decrees. The USPA Member Clubs in these locales are encouraged to follow all such requirements of their state and local authorities with respect to polo operations. In addition, we also encourage all USPA Member Clubs to take the precautions recommended by the CDC. We are preparing a detailed list of best practices for USPA Member Clubs as they return to hosting USPA Tournaments and Events and plan to circulate these guidelines within the next week. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation closely and will notify you if we determine a different course of action is necessary.
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