Dec 07, 2016 5:31 PM

Thanksgiving Tournament winning team, Piso 51.
Thanksgiving Tournament winning team, Piso 51.

Players from South Africa, USA, Argentina, Portugal, Italy and Mexico opened the Careyes Polo Club at the private gated resort on the Mexican Pacific Coast for the 2016-2017 season with a 4-goal tournament. Teams were divided by handicap to play for the Thanksgiving event – November 25 and 26. Horses were fit, weather was beautiful and the fields were ready for the season.

Play started with Team Magness – Sarah Siegel-Magness playing in her first formal tournament, Joe Henderson, Manuel Rios and veteran Hans Giebeler against Piso 51 – a private business club in Mexico City with George Sandhu, owner of the Club, Will and Chris Falk and Nico Millan. Play was very close ending with a score of 7-6 ½ - Piso 51 winning the game. High scorers for the Magness team were Sarah Magness with three and Will Falk for the winners with four goals.

The second game of the day was Guadalajara – first time tournament player Guillermo ¨Memo¨ Jimenez, Luis Perez, Diego Gonzalez and Daniel Cruz. Team Careyes Agua Alta was Giorgio Brignone, owner and founder of the Careyes Club, Alberico Ardissone, Manuel Matos and Mane Yrena. Again a close game - 6 ½-6 with Guadalajara the winner. Luis Perez scored five goals for the winning team and Matos had three for Careyes/Agua Alta

Celebrating the Tournament in a mexican celebration, Tequila with Giorgio Brignone, founder of the Costa Careyes Polo Club.
Celebrating the Tournament in a Mexican celebration, Tequila with Giorgio Brignone, founder of the Costa Careyes Polo Club.

Finals day brought in a good local crowd with margaritas being served field side. The subsidiary match between Team Magness and Agua Alta with Alberico Ardissone leading the winning team with four goals. Agua Alta was the winner 7-3 ½. Katie Falk replaced Sarah Magness.

Piso 51 came to the field to play catching the Guadalajara team the first two chukkers. Almost scoreless and at halftime, the score was 6-1 ½. Will Falk on fire with three goals, all on penalties. Guadalajara came to life in the third chukker scoring three quick goals to Guadalajara´s one. Two more for the Guadalajara team in the fourth was not enough with the final score 9-5 ½. After the game, all players were treated to traditional shots of tequila and silver. Careyes polo season goes from November to April. The next event is Copa de Careyes starting December 27. Please contact Giorgio Brignone at or Susan Stovall at for polo information, lessons and tournament dates.