Sep 22, 2020
The 2020 National Youth Tournament Series (NYTS) Qualifier season has been extended. The NYTS team is ready to help your club host a fun and competitive event during the fall season.
For Clubs: The Host Club is responsible for gathering entries, organizing two umpires and selecting an All-Star Committee. The USPA will provide an on-site manager for the day(s) of the event as well as trophies for first, second and third place, a Best Playing Pony sheet, participation prizes and All-Star medals. If you are interested in hosting a NYTS qualifier, please email to select a date.
For Players: USPA Members born after 1/1/2001 and with a minimum -1 goal handicap are eligible to play. Players enter individually and are placed on teams determined by the host club.
Update on Championships: After careful consideration, there are simply too many factors impeding the USPA’s ability to host a safe and memorable National Youth Tournament Series Championship® (NYTS) event for youth players at this time. The Association understands that many USPA Member Clubs have faced challenges with hosting qualifiers this season, so the qualifier deadline has been extended. The NYTS subcommittee is working diligently to facilitate a 2020 Championship to be played at a later date. More information will be announced to the membership as soon as it becomes available.
Effective Date: Saturday, May 16, 2020
The suspension of USPA Tournaments and Events will be lifted for USPA Member Clubs in locales where hosting polo matches and tournaments is permitted under applicable state and local laws, executive orders and similar decrees. The USPA Member Clubs in these locales are encouraged to follow all such requirements of their state and local authorities with respect to polo operations. In addition, we also encourage all USPA Member Clubs to take the precautions recommended by the CDC. We are preparing a detailed list of best practices for USPA Member Clubs as they return to hosting USPA Tournaments and Events and plan to circulate these guidelines within the next week. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation closely and will notify you if we determine a different course of action is necessary.
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