Nov 13, 2023 7:55 PM

AIPF Polo Logo

The American International Polo Foundation (AIPF) is a 501(c)(3) registered charity that supports national and international polo competition and related activities. Initially formed to raise funds for American teams competing in the Federation of International Polo (FIP) Zone and World Championships held in various locations around the world, the AIPF now plays a pivotal role in fostering international relations in the world of polo. The non-profit is driven by a small but passionate, polo-loving team who believe that the sport's unique blend of tradition and camaraderie deserves support and security.

As the United States strives to elevate participation at a global level, the foundation is instrumental in connecting American players, clubs and organizations with their counterparts around the world. This international collaboration not only enhances the level of competition but deepens the cultural exchange and appreciation for the sport.

In January of 2023, the foundation appointed a new board of directors including AIPF President and Treasurer Edward Armstrong, as well as AIPF Secretary Steven Armour. Armstrong, a USPA Arena Committee member, worked with a subcommittee comprised of Dan Coleman and Peter Rizzo to develop a new polo initiative, the Buddy Combs International Arena Challenge. The International event connected American and Guatemalan players in its inaugural match held at Middleburg Polo Club in Middleburg, Virginia, earlier this fall.

2023 Buddy Combs International Arena Challenge Competitors: Guatemala's Mariana Beltranena, Sebastian Aguilar, Christian Aycinena and USA's Garrett Bankhead, Rehan Kumble, Stephanie Colburn. ©Tony Gibson
2023 Buddy Combs International Arena Challenge Competitors: Guatemala's Mariana Beltranena, Sebastian Aguilar, Christian Aycinena and USA's Garrett Bankhead, Rehan Kumble, Stephanie Colburn. ©Tony Gibson

“The concept arose because of the need for international events, particularly arena events, at different goal levels,” explained Armstrong. “The only international arena event we had was the Townsend Cup, which is always high goal and it’s always against England.” The AIPF aims to raise enough funds to supply a proper perpetual award for the event and continues to collaborate with USPA committees to introduce more international events of the same caliber.

The AIPF is exclusively endorsed by independent benefactors and accepts contributions on an ongoing basis in support of the foundation's objectives. USPA membership renewals include a checkbox for those considering contributing to the organization.

To learn more about the AIPF, visit aipf.us.

*The USPA does not fund AIPF. All supported events and projects are funded through donations and/or sponsors.