Sep 11, 2018 6:38 PM

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The 2018/2019 Intercollegiate/Interscholastic (I/I) Season has officially begun! Please note, new deadlines are in place this year starting with the Intent to Compete Form that is due October 1. Please read the 2019 I/I Tournament Conditions here and see a full list of deadlines below:

October 1: Intent to Compete and Tentative Roster (No fee)
December 1: Tournament Entry Fee
December 1: Intercollegiate Full Time Player Paperwork
December 13: Interscholastic Eligibility Paperwork Due
January 8: Interscholastic Games Due
February 1: Intercollegiate Eligibility and Games Due

For more information on the I/I tournament season, please read the 2019 I/I Info Pack here.

Virginia Polo Team at the National Intercollegiate Championship.
Virginia Polo Team at the National Intercollegiate Championship.

The USPA Intercollegiate program provides students a venue to have their first polo experience and seasoned players a place to continue competitive regular season and tournament play during their time at university. Intercollegiate polo is played in the arena under the official USPA Arena Rules and specific I/I and Arena Tournament Conditions. As is all I/I polo, the intercollegiate league is played using a “split string.” During their time in the program, many players are given the opportunity to participate in leadership and horse management roles within their student run clubs; providing real life learning experiences in the polo world.

There are 38 established USPA Intercollegiate Polo Programs representing 22 men’s teams and 28 women’s teams across four regions of the United States. Competing in separate divisions, the top men’s and women’s teams battle for a chance to advance to the National Intercollegiate Championship. To view the intercollegiate season schedule, please follow the link below:

Intercollegiate schedule

Parker Pearce of Maryland Polo Club on the ball with Gardnertown Polo Club's Matteo Chaux and John Denker hustling to defend during the Open National Interscholastic Championship Final.
Parker Pearce of Maryland Polo Club on the ball with Gardnertown Polo Club's Matteo Chaux and John Denker hustling to defend during the Open National Interscholastic Championship Final. ©Mike Ryan.

The Interscholastic polo program is a competitive league in which high school students play against other polo teams in their region and across the country. Players must meet their school’s academic standards in order to compete. Interscholastic polo is played in the arena under the official USPA Arena rules and I/I Tournament Conditions. As in all I/I polo, the interscholastic league is played using a “split string,” where each team plays all of the horses provided for the game. Interscholastic players are welcomed into a wonderful network of polo professionals, volunteers, and other players their age. The interscholastic program provides an opportunity for players to compete in a national league against their peers. To view the interscholastic season schedule, please follow the link below:

Interscholastic schedule