United States Polo Association®


Stuart Campbell

Tallahassee, FL

He grew up show jumping with his Mum and sisters, giving him a solid riding background for when he took after his father and started playing polo.

Stuart started teaching polo in Sarasota, Florida, to help get new players involved in the sport. Stuart currently teaches in Sarasota during the winter seasons, and teaches in Atlanta and Tallahassee the rest of the year. He has had students receive Most Improved Player awards at Sarasota, Stuart has won the Best Penalty Shooter award the past 2 years in Sarasota, and a few of his horses have won Best Playing Pony awards.

What has been one of your favorite teaching memories?
“Bringing in many new players that couldn't ride to becoming accomplished players. I've also enjoyed teaching my 2 kids and watching them improve over the years to where we can now enjoy playing with each other."