United States Polo Association®


Erica has been a member of the USPA for over 30 years and began playing polo at age 8. After graduating Colorado State University she returned to Denver to rejuvenate the polo side of business at Cottonwood Riding Club home of the Denver Polo Club. She has been teaching polo since 2001 but is pleased to work with many trainers from different disciplines working at the facility. She believes it fosters a well rounded environment for teaching players of levels. “Everyone learns differently. Everyone has a different background. Everyone has a different end goal and it’s my job to help you maximize you.” Erica is the current Rocky Mountain Circuit Governor, Chairs the USPA Women’s Committee and sits on many other USPA committees.

What has been one of your favorite teaching memories?

“All of them, everyone is different so when you see someone get the most out of their ride that is my favorite part! One of the best parts of teaching is seeing the progression from being to end…even if its just one time for one hour.”

Contact Erica today for lessons in Denver!