United States Polo Association®


His family is heavily involved in polo- his uncles and cousins all play and his father and brother are professional players. Polo has been a way of life since childhood for Frankie. He learned to ride when he was 4 years old and started playing polo at the age of 9. He played Interscholastic polo and began teaching Poway’s Interscholastic program. His career in polo took him all over the country until he landed in Atlanta where he began to work for Jolie Liston at the Atlanta Regional Polo Center. He started teaching lessons and coaching the I/I teams. He has now been teaching at the Atlanta Regional Polo Center for five years and currently coaches the Emory University Women’s team.

What has been one of your favorite teaching memories?
“Teaching one of my younger students how to play. He has been taking lessons with me for more than two years. He was a very quiet kid at first. I have enjoyed watching him grow as young man and a polo player. When he figured out how to do flying lead changes, I literally jumped across the arena with excitement.”