The National Intercollegiate/Interscholastic (I/I) Alumni Tournament, the Feldman Cup, was founded in 2014 as an opportunity for I/I alumni to get back into the sport. Entry into the Feldman Cup requires status as an I/I alumni as well as current USPA membership. In addition, players are asked to meet one of the following criteria: competed in an I/I alumni tournament, act as an active I/I coach, umpired at least three I/I regular season or USPA I/I tournament games, managed at least one USPA I/I tournament, donated in the form of a horse, tack, equipment, or monetary* to an I/I team (*not including the entry fee), or volunteered 10 hours in support of an I/I club.
In 2022, Boston Polo Club (Mark Tashjian, Rehan Kumble, Erika Johnson) faced-off against Glacier Freeze (Adam Wallace, Eduardo Palacios-Garcia, John Dencker) at Gardnertown Polo Club (Newburgh, New York), where Boston Polo Club emerged victorious 11-10.
This year's edition of the Feldman Cup will be hosted by Seneca Polo Club (Poolesville, Maryland) and will feature five teams competing for the title. Teams have been assigned, with team names to be selected by the players prior to the start of the tournament.
Photo: 2022 Feldman Cup Champions: Boston Polo Club - Mark Tashjian, Rehan Kumble, Erika Johnson.