United States Polo Association®

Daniel Juarez


USPA Umpire since: 2019

Daniel Juarez’ path into polo was clear after spending a season in Wellington with Ruben and Memo Gracida. “I kind of always had a gift with young horses, but being in their program finished it off. I learned the finer points of horsemanship when I was there.”

Daniel’s grandfather on his mother's side played polo from their farm in White Swan, Washington State. His father had never ridden a horse but just after graduating college he was invited to try polo. He was hooked - despite falling off three times on his debut.

The family ran 300 cattle alongside making polo ponies from off the track Thoroughbreds. A family connection also came into play there as Daniel’s uncle was a racehorse trainer and would channel a pipeline of polo prospects their way. “We put a summer on them,” said Daniel. “And then Mike Conant would come up from California and buy a whole lot of them.”

After his season with the Gracidas, Daniel progressed to a four-goal handicap which he held for many years - the highlight of his playing career was scoring 10 goals in one game.

Now in his third year with Umpires LLC, he relishes the demands of the job. “I like the challenge, the responsibility of delivering a good, fair competitive match,” he said. “You have to work at it, to stay at the top and be the best version of yourself but I enjoy that. The more you put in the more you’re going to get out.” His primary advice to anyone considering pro umpiring? “First off, open the rule book and begin to study.”