Operations Staff:
Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel: Chris Green
Director, Governance and Operations: Lindsey Ebersbach
Mission Statement: Services division operates as the “hub” of all USPA functions; it maintains the administrative and operational infrastructure within which all divisions, LLCs, clubs and members participate. The services not provided by the LLCs for their operation are generally provided by Services in support of the LLCs and USPA.
Executive Director of USPA Services Division: Carlucho Arellano
Services Staff: Lindsay Greenway (Membership and Handicap Director), Kaila Dowd (Tournament Manager), Kynzie Watahomigie (Membership Office and Operations Administrator)
Mission Statement: The United States Polo Association Arena Committee, as the successor of the Indoor Polo Association, is the primary advocate for arena polo in the United States. Through partners and programs, we develop and enhance national and circuit tournaments and arena leagues nationwide; expand the quantity and quality of national and international arena competition from the low goal to the high goal; and promote player and spectator awareness and engagement through promotion and special events to highlight arena polo as an exciting and competitive sport.
Committee Chair: Robin Sanchez
Staff: Bradley Biddle, Carlucho Arellano, Chris Green
Committee Members: Edward Armstrong, James Armstrong, Nicole Bankhead, David Brooks, Daniel Coleman, Dennis Geiler, Mark Gillespie, Javier Herrera, Tom Goodspeed, Karl Hilberg, Robert Lyn Kee Chow, Lisa Nousek, Peter Rizzo, Daniel Scheraga, Aaron Schneider, Mark Tashjian, Jorge Vasquez
Mission Statement: The mission of the Arena Handicap Committee is to create the fairest competitive environment for the various arena polo formats of the Association by acting in accordance with the USPA Handicap Policy and with the highest standards of honesty and integrity in establishing an Arena Handicap in service to any Association Individual Member entitled to such Handicap.
Committee Chair: Tom Goodspeed
Staff: Lindsay Greenway, Carlucho Arellano, Chris Green
Circuit Arena Handicap Chairs: Joan-Carles Brugue (C), Doug Barnes (E), Carlucho Arellano (FL), Raeann Magill (GP), Ka’aina DeCoite (HI), Sarah Knapp (MS), Ryan Saul (NE), Sherry Sheldon-Gibson (PC), Brandon Alcott (PNW), David Brooks (SE), Robin Sanchez (SW)
At-Large Arena Handicappers: Bradley Biddle, Ali Davidge, Rodney Fragodt, Ronnie Hayes, Dale Schwetz, Toby Wayman
Mission Statement: The mission of the USPA Armed Forces Committee, in recognition of the great history and connection between the sport of polo and our Armed Forces, seeks to create opportunities to support and perpetuate the tie between the armed forces and the polo communities through the promotion of events supporting the military community and "The development of partnerships to increase military participation in the sport of polo."
Committee Chair: Mark Gillespie
Staff: Carlucho Arellano, Kynzie Watahomigie
Committee Members: Stephen Cobb, Daniel Coleman, Dan Colhoun, Dean Daggett, Gene Del Bianco, Barbara Donahue, Nicolas Francoeur, Cody Goetz, Zach Grob, Allen Hoe, Alexander Jenkins, Christopher Jones, Andrea Logan, Joe Meyer, Pat Nesbitt, John Richardson, Madison Richardson, Mariah Smith, Michelle Strauss, Marisa Tanner, Steve Walsh, Tony Yahyai
Mission Statement: The purpose and primary function of the USPA Audit Committee shall be to assist the Board of Governors of the USPA (the “Board”) in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities for (a) the integrity of the USPA’s financial statements, (b) the USPA’s compliance with any legal and regulatory requirements, (c) the independent auditor's qualifications and independence and (d) the performance of the USPA’s internal audit function and that of the independent auditors. (From the Audit Committee Charter)
Committee Chair(s): Bill Kirton
Staff: Chris Green Stacey Bell
Committee Members: Robert Burk, Charles G. Stanislawski, M.B.T., C.P.A.
Click below to submit an audit committee financial inquiry form.
Mission Statement: The USPA Board and Staff Development Committee (BASDC) provides advice and support to the Association’s Board of Governors, Executive Committee and management, including the COO. The BASDC will offer recommendations or endorsements relating to the consistent use of generally accepted best corporate practices, policies and procedures. BASDC’s primary advisory purpose includes review Board approved HR policies and procedures; ongoing Staff professional development and succession; and Organizational Charts. When requested by Board or Staff leadership, the BASDC will provide feedback and recommendations regarding Board and Staff matters, questions, concerns and opportunities.
Committee Chair: Leighton Jordan
Staff: Bev Basist, Lindsey Ebersbach, Chris Green
Committee Members: Liz Brayboy, Austin Chandler, Peter Rizzo, Sheryl Sick, Megan West-Koll
Mission Statement: The mission of the Club and Member Administration Committee is to review and evaluate all new club applications to ensure that the applying club complies with the current standards set forth in the Constitution and the policies approved by the Board of Governors. That these clubs are strong enough, have the growth potential and longevity to support the sport of polo and strengthen the Association by its membership and deserve the rights and privileges afforded to member clubs. It is also the committee’s duty to review and evaluate all existing clubs on an annual basis, to confirm their compliance with the existing rules and policies, in order to make recommendations to the Board of Governors on the status of member clubs in the Association.
Committee Chair: Donald Little Jr.
Staff: Lindsay Greenway, Carlucho Arellano
Committee Members: Edward Armstrong, Karson Bizzell, David Brooks, Avery Chapman Esq., Stephen Cobb, George Dill, Dennis Geiler, Robin Sanchez
Mission Statement: The mission of the Constitution Committee is to advise the USPA Chairman, Executive Committee, Board of Governors, Delegates and staff about all aspects of the USPA Constitution, By-Laws, Strategic Planning and Governance. The Committee shall prepare appropriate language to affect changes to the USPA Constitution and By-Laws as directed by the Board of Governors, other Committees or on its own initiative. The Committee shall prepare other resolutions, opinions and documentation as required to effect efficient and stable Governance.
Committee Chair: Paul Jornayvaz
Staff: Lindsey Ebersbach, Chris Green
Legal Advisor: Jodi Pellettiere Patt
Committee Members: Steven Armour, Avery Chapman Esq., Bill Kirton, Charles Smith, Pamela Flanagan
Mission Statement: Diversity and Inclusion is critical to the USPA mission of promoting and developing the sport of polo. The mission of the USPA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee is to explore and support initiatives within the polo community that promotes the sport of polo to a diverse group of individuals, provide opportunities for new polo experiences, and expand the perception of polo to one that invites the involvement of all.
Committee Chair: Dale Johnson
Staff: Justin Powers, Carlucho Arellano, Emily Dewey, Chris Green
Committee Members: Agustin Arellano, Meghan Gracida, Zach Grob, Chip McKenney, Agapito Morgan, Alex Fu
Mission Statement: The Equine Welfare Committee recognizes the value of the polo pony to the sport and advises the Association and its Membership on all aspects of the care and well-being of polo ponies. The Committee develops policies and procedures and executes programs to ensure that polo ponies are treated in accordance with humane guidelines and the highest standards of care.
Committee Chair: Mike Manno, DVM
Staff: Lindsay Greenway, Carlucho Arellano, Chris Green
Committee Members: Neil Agate, Stephanie Colburn, Robin Sanchez, Beth Supik, Mark Sedacca
Committee Chairman: Stewart Armstrong
President: Charles Smith
Secretary: Chrys Beal
Treasurer: Steven Rudolph
Committee Members: Mike Carney, Tom Gose, Cindy Halle, Stephen Orthwein Jr., Sheryl Sick
Mission Statement: The mission of the Finance Committee is to provide the USPA Chairman and Board of Governors direction for the fiscal responsibility of the USPA. This is achieved by a regular review of the organization’s financial statements along with the approval of the annual budget with submission to the full Board of Governors for approval, ensuring all are consistent with the strategic objectives and mission of the USPA. The Finance Committee also seeks to prudently manage organizational investments consistent with the duties outlined by the USPA’s Investor Policy and Guidelines.
Committee Chairman: Samuel Ramirez Jr.
Staff: Chris Green, Stacey Bell
Committee Members: Avery Chapman, Liz Brayboy, Austin Chandler, Jim DeAngelis, Tim Kelly, Jim Parr, Bob McMurtry, Steve Orthwein Jr., Steve Rudolph, Stewart Armstrong
Mission Statement: To advise the Chairman and BOG and committee chairs on all aspects of high-goal polo in the U.S. To be the communication channel between the USPA and high-goal community including club managers, high-goal sponsors and high-goal professionals. To grow and promote the sport of polo at its highest level around the U.S.
Committee Chair: Will Johnston
Staff: Lindsey Ebersbach, Carlucho Arellano, Chris Green
Committee Members: Tomas Garcia del Rio, Pelon Stirling, Bill Ballhaus, Stephen Orthwein Jr., Jimmy Newman, Tom Gose, Mike Carney, Chris Stratemann, Shannon Stilson
Mission Statement: The mission of the International Committee is to build and improve USPA membership by facilitating and promoting international polo events, including tournaments, umpire and player clinics to foster international fellowship and sportsmanship. The committee will co-operate with National Polo Associations, The Federation of International Polo, The Pan-American International Polo Foundation, The United States Olympic Committee and all other interested qualified groups or individuals in achieving its goals.
Committee Chair: Jeff Hall
Staff: Lindsey Ebersbach, Carlucho Arellano
Committee Members: Dr. Richard Caleel, Cecelia Cochran, Luis Escobar, Zach Grob, Steve Krueger, Mason Wroe
Mission Statement: The Nominating Committee shall consist of seven Registered Players, five of who shall be members of the Board of Governors and four of who shall be Circuit Governors. This committee will meet annually to consider and nominate a slate of Officers. This slate of Officers is to be conveyed to the Secretary of the Association at least two weeks in advance of the Board of Governors meeting prior to the Annual Meeting.
Committee Chair: TBD
Staff: Lindsey Ebersbach, Chris Green
Committee Members: Mike Carney, James DeAngelis, Paul Jornayvaz, Tim Kelly, Bill Kirton, Stephen Orthwein Jr., Sheryl Sick, Daniel Walker
Mission Statement: The mission of the Outdoor Handicap Committee is to create the fairest competitive environment for outdoor polo of the Association by acting in accordance with the USPA Handicap Policy and with the highest standards of honesty and integrity in establishing an Outdoor Handicap in service to any Association Individual Member entitled to such Handicap.
Committee Chair: Chris Stratemann
Staff: Lindsay Greenway, Carlucho Arellano, Chris Green
Circuit Outdoor Handicap Chairs: Peter Alworth (C) Charles Muldoon (E), Toby Wayman (FL), Greg Summers (GP), Ka’aina DeCoite (HI), Bo Goodman (MS), Brandon Phillips (NE), Graham Bray (PC), George Dill (PNW), Pelon Escapite (SE), Kelly Beal (SW)
At Large Outdoor Handicappers: Tommy Biddle, Jeff Blake, Haley Bryan, Jeff Hall, Steve Dalton, Steve Krueger, Ignacio Novillo Astrada, Dale Smicklas
Mission Statement: TBA
Committee Chair: Whistle Uys
Vice-Chairman: Chloe Torres
Committee Members: Gillian Johnston, Steve Krueger, Troy Lequerica
Mission Statement: The mission of the Rules Committee is to advise the USPA Chairman and Board of Governors about all aspects of the USPA Rules and Rules Interpretations.
Committee Chair: Thomas Gose
Staff: Lindsey Ebersbach, Carlucho Arellano, Chris Green
Committee Members: Stewart Armstrong, Jesse Bray, Mike Carney, Cecilia Cochran, Melanja Jones, Anna Winslow Palacios, Billy Raab, Jeffrey Scheraga, Trey Schott, Toby Wayman, Maureen Brennan, Haley Bryan, Stephen Orthwein Jr.
Arena Rules Sub-Committee
Subcommittee Chair: Daniel Scheraga
Staff: Lindsey Ebersbach, Carlucho Arellano, Chris Green
Subcommittee Members: Bradley Biddle, Emily Dewey, David Eldredge, Amy Fraser, Tom Goodspeed, Robin Sanchez, Ryan Saul, Jared Sheldon, Robert Lyn-Kee-Chow
Ex-Officio Members: Cindy Halle
Mission Statement: The mission of the Safety Committee is to advise the USPA Chairman and Board of Governors of all safety aspects of polo through injury research, injury prevention and testing of protective gear, as well as communication of safety information and safety recommendations to polo players and polo officials.
Committee Chair: James A. Ulibarri, MD
Staff: Lindsay Greenway, Carlucho Arellano
Committee Members: Dr. Thor Norregaard, Julio Arellano, Chrys Beal, Avery Chapman, Anthony Coppola, Robert Donahey, Robin Sanchez, Sherry Sheldon Gibson
Mission Statement: TBA
Committee Chair: Stewart Armstrong
Staff: Lindsey Ebersbach, Chris Green
Committee Members: Julio Arellano, Britt Baker, Liz Brayboy, Maureen Brennan, Michael Carney, David Cummings, Marc Ganzi, Thomas Gose, Stephen Orthwein Jr.
Committee Chair: Stewart Armstrong
Staff: Lindsey Ebersbach, Chris Green, Carlucho Arellano, Justin Powers
Committee Members: Tony Coppola, Leighton Jordan, Stevie Orthwein, Steve Rudolph, Charles Smith
Mission Statement: To promote the sport of polo in the United States through responsible consideration and recommendation for the approval of tournament matches and events. It is the Tournament Committee’s responsibility to preserve the history and tradition of the sport of polo; encourage interest in the sport of polo; elevate the standards of play; promote involvement and the overall vitality of the game; and stimulate the growth of tournament play at all levels by hosting USPA Sanctioned, Circuit and National tournaments at USPA member clubs. The Tournament Committee promotes an emphasis on sportsmanship, fairness and safety, while expanding the opportunities for professionals, amateurs, umpires, clubs, sponsors and spectators.
Committee Chair: Stephen Orthwein Jr.
Staff: Kaila Dowd, Carlucho Arellano, Chris Green
Committee Members: Steven Armour, Edward Armstrong, Stewart Armstrong, Chrys Beal, Graham Bray, Maureen Brennan, Mike Carney, Anthony Coppola, Erica Gandomcar-Sachs, Melanja Jones, Jennifer McLeavy, James Newman, Peter Poor, Charles Smith
Mission Statement: The mission of the Women’s Handicap Committee is to create the fairest competitive environments for women’s polo of the Association by acting in accordance with the USPA Handicap Policy and with the highest standards of honesty and integrity in establishing a Women’s Outdoor and/or Women’s Arena Handicap in service to any female Association Individual Member entitled to such Handicap(s).
Committee Chair: Maureen Brennan
Staff: Lindsay Greenway, Carlucho Arellano
Circuit Women's Handicap Chairs: Megan West (C), Marisa Bianchi (E), Paige Boone (FL), Karson Bizzell (GP), Jess Cole (HI), Emmalyn Wheaton (MS), Minnie Keating (NE), Mia Bray (PC), Sheryl Sick (PNW), Sophie Grant (SE), KC Krueger (SW)
At-Large Women's Handicappers: Hope Arellano, Haley Bryan, Cecelia Cochran, Dayelle Fargey, Posey Obrecht, Anna Palacios, Alyson Poor, Kylie Sheehan, Toby Wayman
Mission Statement: To encourage and increase the participation of women in all aspects of polo, to improve the standard of women’s polo throughout the USA and to facilitate the communication and networking of women in polo all over the world. We will encourage all polo players to never compromise their integrity or dignity on or off the field.
Committee Chair: Meghan Gracida
Staff: Kaila Dowd, Carlucho Arellano
Committee Members: Hope Arellano, Courtney Asdourian, Jessica Bailey, Chrys Beal, Paige Beard, Olivia Berube, Mia Bray, Cecelia Cochran, Dayelle Fargey, Pamela Flanagan, Stormie Hale, Elizabeth Humphreys, Erica Gandomcar-Sachs, Dawn Jones, Shelia Lequerica, Arshia Rios, Robin Sanchez, Kylie Sheehan, Joanne Smicklas, Kate Weber
Mission Statement: To generate a voice within the USPA to provide input on opportunities, initiatives, rules and policies in an effort to help provide fresh solutions to the challenges young players face in polo today.
Committee Chair: Todd Thurston
Staff: Justin Powers
Committee Members: Jack Whitman, Hope Arellano, Tommy Collingwood, Esteban Panelo, Vinny Sangaline, Grant Ganzi, Zach Grob
Communications Committee
Mission Statement: TBD
Committee Chair: TBD
Committee Members: TBD
Communications Staff:
Executive Director: Matt Baran
Communications Manager: Cristina Fernandez
Editor and Publisher: Gwen Rizzo
Communications Coordinator: Grace Grotnik
Social Media Coordinator: Marguerite Buchmann
Website Management: Jade Walter and Michael Foster (International Polo Academy)
Chairman: Chip Campbell
Sec/Tres: Sam Ramirez Jr.
President and CEO: J. Michael Prince
Voting Directors: Thomas Biddle Sr., George Dill, Robert Donahey, Charles Weaver, Charles Smith (USPA President)
Non-Voting Director: Chris Green (Ex-Officio as USPA COO)
Mission Statement: Develop, institute and manage USPA programs that grow polo through education, development and assistance, thereby fortifying clubs and membership. This includes the development of players of all ages, coordinating youth tournaments, as well as the administration of PDI grants to clubs.
Executive Director of USPA Polo Development LLC: Justin Powers
Staff: Ali Davidge (I/I Program Coordinator), Emily Dewey (I/I Tournament Manager), Amy Fraser (Director of I/I Polo), Hayley Heatley (Player Development Program Manager), Pam Mudra (PDI Manager)
Mission Statement: The mission of the Intercollegiate/Interscholastic (I/I) Committee of the United States Polo Association (USPA) is to promote and grow the sport of polo by providing maximum exposure to the sport; recruiting collegiate and scholastic institutions; coordinating activities of member schools and players; providing for organized competition including sponsoring and administering regional and national tournaments with an emphasis on sportsmanship, fairness and safety; and by effectively utilizing funding for the benefit of I/I activities.
Committee Chair: Liz Brayboy
Staff: Amy Fraser, Emily Dewey, Ali Davidge
Leadership Group: Cindy Halle, Miranda Luna
NHTC Members: Liz Brayboy, Cindy Halle, Miranda Luna, Daniel Scheraga, Mike Vanderwerken, Chris Green
Tournament & Regular Season Committee: Emma Blackwood, Cindy Halle, Daniel Scheraga, Robert Lyn-Kee-Chow, Beth Supik, Steven Armour, Ryan Saul
Program & Club Sustainability Committee: Liz Brayboy, Carolyn Stimmel, Emmalyn Wheaton, Kareem Rosser, Heather Perkins
Funding & Awards Committee: Miranda Luna, Tom Wisehart, Yaz Grotnik, Lezlie Hiner
Coaches’ Representatives: IC: Bonnie Magill, IS: Jenny Schwartz
Mission Statement: To cultivate and promote junior polo throughout the United States by providing the organizational structure to support junior polo training opportunities, tournaments and international competitions. The program will utilize USPA Certified Polo Instructors, experienced Team USPA members and other qualified mentors and opportunities.
Committee Chair: Tiger Kneece
Staff: Justin Powers
Committee Members: Chrys Beal, Carolyn Stimmel, Mason Wroe
Mission Statement: The mission of the Polo Development Initiative (PDI) Committee is to implement the PDI program; a grant-based program allowing USPA Member Clubs to thoughtfully present applications that address specific, club-based, sustainability needs.
Committee Chair: David Brooks
Staff: Pam Mudra, Justin Powers
Committee Members: Jim DeAngelis, Mike Carney, Robin Sanchez, Julio Arellano, Sheryl Sick
Mission Statement: The mission of the Team USPA Committee is to improve the sport of polo in the United States by developing the talents/skills of young American players through mentored training and playing opportunities, ultimately leading to a pool of higher-rated American players.
Committee Chair: Mason Wroe
Staff: Justin Powers
Committee Members: Mariano Gonzalez, Steve Krueger, Stewart Armstrong, Stephen Orthwein, Jr.
Committee Chair: Stewart Armstrong
Staff: Lindsey Ebersbach, Chris Green, Carlucho Arellano, Justin Powers
Committee Members: Tony Coppola, Leighton Jordan, Stevie Orthwein, Steve Rudolph, Charles Smith
Committee Chair: Charles Smith
Staff: Hayley Heatley Bray, Haley Bryan, Julie Check, Lindsey Ebersbach, Tomas Flores, Patrick Marinelli, Jimmy Newman, Drew Summerhill
Committee Members: Mike Carney, Cecelia Cochran, Stephen Orthwein Jr., Mason Wroe
Chairman: Tim Gannon
Voting Directors: Chrys Beal, Paul Jornayvaz, Tony Coppola, Jonathan Cameron-Hayes
Ex-Officio Non-Voting Directors: USPA COO Chris Green
Mission Statement: The mission of the USPA Umpires, LLC, is to support all aspects of the umpire services and programs within the United States Polo Association. This includes the training and certification of all umpires, the interpretation of the rules, the education of the players regarding the rules and rules updates and the support of the USPA professional umpires. The LLC aspires to create a safe, rules driven environment in every club it touches, with the goals of achieving respect and treating all participants fairly.
Executive Director of USPA Umpires LLC: Fergus Gould
Committee Chair: Mike Carney
Staff: Bradley Biddle (Arena Umpire Director), Joe Henderson (Assistant Director of Umpires LLC), Deb Ferro (Administrative Assistant), Jennifer Walcott (Umpires Financial Analyst), Maggie Mitchell (Umpires Executive Administrator), Elise Markell (Umpires Administrative Assistant)
Committee Members: Stewart Armstrong, Graham Bray, Tom Gose, Cynthia Halle, KC Krueger, Stevie Orthwein, William Raab
Effective Date: Saturday, May 16, 2020
The suspension of USPA Tournaments and Events will be lifted for USPA Member Clubs in locales where hosting polo matches and tournaments is permitted under applicable state and local laws, executive orders and similar decrees. The USPA Member Clubs in these locales are encouraged to follow all such requirements of their state and local authorities with respect to polo operations. In addition, we also encourage all USPA Member Clubs to take the precautions recommended by the CDC. We are preparing a detailed list of best practices for USPA Member Clubs as they return to hosting USPA Tournaments and Events and plan to circulate these guidelines within the next week. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation closely and will notify you if we determine a different course of action is necessary.
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